
A Message from the Teller

All well, friend. My name is Dirdenfey. That is who I am. 

But who are you? 

Do you even know who you are?

I expect you are unfamiliar with the who that is you. But I know. I know who you really are. 

You are the reader. And you know that, now, because I have reminded you.

That is my privileged role as your Teller–to remind you. Nothing more. No tricks. No twists. Only to tell, and to remind you of what you’ve forgotten.

The Telling

Enter into the Woild, a whimsical and quirky place where poetry rides in on the mist, stories travel through trees, and a great spiritual war takes place - largely within the hearts and minds of the Cusp ones. In this first book of The Marcher and The Valence Lord series, you'll meet and journey with Caasizah of the Rim, a bear of a woman who begins the ultimate quest to save her mother from the disturbing clutches of the Valence. Enjoy a fast-paced adventure with one of the ten Woild tribes, a cantankerous Cusp village, witch-crafted creatures, and more.

  • Sci-Fi and Fantasy Lovers

  • Poetry Lovers

  • People who enjoy being expertly escorted through a brand-new world

  • People who like their Tellings to tickle them top to bottom, and occasionally, back to front

Who will love this book?

Will YOU love this book?

  • Do you love animals/nature?

  • Are you a storyteller?

  • Are you looking for something different, yet familiar?

  • Do you want a complicated story of good and evil, that still acknowledges that there is good and evil?

  • Do you contemplate conspiracy theories with your own healthy seasoning of good-humor? Do you want to?

  • Are you craving an epic series of spiritual depth, profound emotional experiences, and genuinely inappropriate humor?

    If so, Breathe in for Artus-Rah…

Isaac Boucher (otherwise known as I.B. Dirdenfey) enjoys Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, yard work, and developing his survival skills. He loves reading, and when not turning to the Bible and Christian literature, he enjoys books about history, homesteading, and nature. His favorite authors are Tolkien, Rowling, and Jacques. This fusion of faith in grace, the discipline of practical living, and the beauty of God’s sovereignty over all magic inspired his first book, The Calling of Cusps.

Boucher lives in Hawai’i with his wife and children.

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