I.B. Dirdenfey
More From The Author
Thank You Thursday: We Did IT!
Congratulations to the 35 people who helped me reach my Kickstarter funding goal! You are officially wish granters! Thank you for being the ones who made this dream of mine come true!
Hold The Door #6: Election Season Solace
In this video, I don't really know what to say, except that by not making Hold The Door videos, I'm hiding from something. I seem to find out what that something is... the world is temporary, God is eternal. Living in fear and pride is like building a house upon the shifting sands of dwindling time.
Hold The Door #5: David Slings Ten Thousands
Join me as I elaborate on a single stone, a battle with Goliath's corpse, and the minutia of God's plan that manifests into the missile of great achievement.
Hold The Door #4: My Inner Uhtred
Join me as I delve into the great story of Uhtred the Godless, and how his spirit resonated with mine.
Hold The Door #3: Thorns
Join me Friends and Family as I reflect on what its like working in a world full of thorns, and why we might find succor in the act of pruning them.
Hold The Door #2: Bigwig’s Chief
I read my favorite passage from one of my favorite books, "Watership Down", and reflect on what a bunny can teach us about being a warrior.
Hold The Door #1: The Door Dream
How a dream about a hopeless fight led me back to church
I.B. Origins: The Beginning
Join me as I Tell a bit about how I came to this story, how I wrote it, and share the first few pages that I ever wrote!
An Introduction to The Woild
For those who don't know me, I’m Isaac Boucher. Two years ago, a tick bit me on the scrotum. Shortly after that, I was sick in bed for a week. After a series of increasingly painful experiences, I fainted naked on the living-room floor after stumbling out of a soothing, early morning bath. My wife came-down the steps, having heard a loud crash, and found me whining about how I was dying.