I.B. Dirdenfey
More From The Author

Hold The Door #6: Election Season Solace
In this video, I don't really know what to say, except that by not making Hold The Door videos, I'm hiding from something. I seem to find out what that something is... the world is temporary, God is eternal. Living in fear and pride is like building a house upon the shifting sands of dwindling time.

Hold The Door #5: David Slings Ten Thousands
Join me as I elaborate on a single stone, a battle with Goliath's corpse, and the minutia of God's plan that manifests into the missile of great achievement.

Hold The Door #4: My Inner Uhtred
Join me as I delve into the great story of Uhtred the Godless, and how his spirit resonated with mine.

Hold The Door #3: Thorns
Join me Friends and Family as I reflect on what its like working in a world full of thorns, and why we might find succor in the act of pruning them.

Hold The Door #2: Bigwig’s Chief
I read my favorite passage from one of my favorite books, "Watership Down", and reflect on what a bunny can teach us about being a warrior.

Hold The Door #1: The Door Dream
How a dream about a hopeless fight led me back to church